Renewable Energy Landholder Guide 


This Renewable Energy Landholder Guide has been produced by the NSW Farmers’ Association (NSWFA) with funding from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. 

With increasing interest in the development of wind and solar energy projects in NSW, a growing number of landholders are considering hosting developments on their property. This Guide provides information and guidance for landholders considering hosting such developments. 
Who should read this guide?

This Guide is designed as a resource for landholders who:

• are considering hosting a wind or solar development on their property;
• are in the process of having a development constructed on their property; or
• already host a development on their property.

The guide provides information to assist landholders at all stages of development and operation, particularly:

• the role of landholders in the development process;
• landholder rights and responsibilities; and
• potential impacts (positive and negative) of development.

Renewable Energy Landholder Guide

Click the below link to download a copy of our guide.