Water talk flows in Griffith

The NSW Farmers Griffith Branch is hosting a Water Forum on Monday 26 February as the water debate continues to run hot in political debate. 

NSW Farmers Conservation & Resource Management Chair, Mitchell Clapham, said farmers are grappling with a process of constant change as new water resource plans get developed for Basin Plan compliance by 2019.

“This forum in Griffith is timely and will feature a presentation and updates from the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and Water NSW. There is certainly plenty to talk about when it comes to water management,” Mr Clapham said. 

Mr Clapham said the future of the Plan is in doubt and that of Basin communities uncertain, following the passing of a disallowance motion in the Australian Senate to quash amendments proposed by the Northern Basin Review.

“This was an action based on pure politics with little or no consideration for the impact on basin irrigators or communities.”

“The Basin Plan is a living document and there are still many elements of water reform that we need to address, however, we are at the final stages of the Plan, and shifting the goal posts after reaching agreements erodes confidence and is a move that could unravel the entire process and is not in anybody’s interests or that of the environment.” 

“Water is a valuable resource that must be planned for and managed efficiently across the Basin states and we continue to advocate for secure water sharing regimes based on science.”

MDBA and Water NSW representatives will also feature in a Q & A panel at the forum, which will be held at the Griffith Leagues Club, starting from 7pm. 

The forum is a NSW Farmers member only event. Potential members can apply to join by calling NSW Farmers Regional Services Manager Daniel Brear on 0427 773 495

Media Contact:   Michael Burt  | 0428 228 988
Date:  Tuesday 20 February 2018