Is a milk floor price the answer? 

NSW Farmers welcomes recognition from the federal Opposition that something has to change to secure the sustainability of the Australian dairy industry.  

NSW Farmers' Dairy Committee chair Erika Chesworth said the Association looks forward to working with policy makers to make that happen.

“The announcement of this proposal to set a minimum farm gate milk price from the Federal Labor party clearly recognises that dairy farmers are operating in an environment of market failure and competition issues.” Ms Chesworth said 

“The NSW dairy industry is in difficult times, with sustained increasing input costs and flat farmgate returns making farmers business unprofitable.”

“Farmers are operating in supply chains that are unfair and we need to get a level of fairness back into the system.”

“Dairy farmers in NSW need change for the long term sustainability of the industry. Milk production has plummeted 11 per cent over the last 12 months” 

Ms Chesworth said NSW Farmers will be engaging with policy makers and industry to understand the likely implications for Australia’s domestic and export markets of the proposed floor price.

“As NSW is largely fresh milk state, we want to understand the potential impacts to ensure that the value of our product is recognised.” 
Date: Thursday 26 February 2019
Media Contact:   Michael Burt  | 0428 228 988