NSW Farmers statement on Basin Plan

NSW Farmers’ President Derek Schoen

“NSW Farmers is disappointed to see a notice of motion moved by the Greens in the Australian Senate this week that if successful, could potentially halt important progression of the Basin Plan.

For decades, members of NSW Farmers have supported water reform in the interests of sustainable industry and the environment.

The Basin Plan is a living document and there are still many elements of water reform that we need to address, however, we are at the final stages of the Plan, and a move that could unravel the entire process is not in anybody’s interests.

Water is a valuable resource that must be planned for and managed efficiently across the Basin states.

We continue to advocate for secure water sharing regimes based on science.”

Media Contact:   Kathleen Curry  |  Public Affairs Director | 0429 011 690
Date: 7 February 2018