Businesses that satisfy the relevant criteria below are eligible to receive two rebates valued at up to $1,000 each to improve quad bike safety in your workplace. Workers at these businesses are eligible for rebates worth $90. 

Note: applicants must undertake an eligible educative interaction with SafeWork NSW on quad bike safety in rural workplaces prior to the purchase of eligible safety solutions. 
Person operating an agricultural business registered in NSW

  • I am an owner of a farming operation or business that is: 
    o registered in NSW 
    o producing goods or providing service in NSW and falls within the scope of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
  • I live in NSW 
  • I have 0-20 full time equivalent workers 
  • I own/use/require a quad bike or SSV to undertake regular tasks for this business 
  • I am not an employee of SafeWork NSW or NSW Farmers Association 
  • My business has not received the full $2000 rebate for this program
Further information for businesses 

  • You must own a quad bike to apply for OPDs/roll bars.
  • You must own a quad bike or SSV to apply for helmets or a drone (1 x drone per ABN).
  • You do not need to own or trade in a quad bike to apply for a SSV rebate.
Worker of a person operating an agricultural business registered in NSW

  • I am a worker employed by a person operating a business registered in NSW that falls within the scope of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
  • The person operating this business lives within NSW 
  • This business has 0-20 full time equivalent workers 
  • I use a quad bike or SSV as part of my employment 
  • I am not an employee of SafeWork NSW or NSW Farmers Association 
  • I have not already applied for and received a rebate solution under this program