Agricultural Renewable Energy Acceleration (AREA) Project

The NSW agriculture sector can contribute to carbon emissions reduction through adopting renewable energy and substituting diesel with alternatives such as electric and hydrogen to power machinery and equipment. With energy becoming a growing cost for producers, investigating options for industry and regional communities to adapt to this change — such as new technology, energy storage, and smart grid control — is essential.

NSW Farmers has recently collaborated with the NSW Department of Primary Industries to deliver the Agricultural Renewable Energy Acceleration Initiative (AREA). As part of this project, we have produced an Energy Productivity Guide for Dairy Farms, two case studies examining Dairy Energy Efficiency Options, and a final report on the AREA Initiative. These can be found below. 

Energy Productivity Guide

[Download - Guide]
(Adobe PDF File)

Case Studies

[Download - Case Studies]
(Adobe PDF File)

Final Report - AREA Initiative

[Download - Final Report]
(Adobe PDF File)
To read more about NSW DPI’s on-farm energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives, please visit the NSW DPI website.

Funding Acknowledgment

The Agriculture Renewable Energy Project has been conducted as part of the NSW Primary Industries Climate Change Research Strategy funded by the NSW Climate Change Fund.