Storm & Flood Industry Recovery Program 

Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Higher Resilience in Dairy 

The floods and storms in February - March 2021 further exacerbated stress already being experienced by dairy producers after drought, bushfires and COVID-19. To help with industry recovery and rebuilding from these events, the NSW Government released $80 million as part of the Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program. 

NSW Farmers is delivering Project 2c “Infrastructure, Utilities and Housing” as part of the Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Improved Resilience for the NSW Dairy Sector. Projects in this category work to increase preparedness, resilience, and adaptation of dairy farming practices by better understanding climate change risks to the industry. This project and the group of programs within which it exists, aims to address long-term recovery and resilience within the NSW dairy industry. 

The main goal of the project is to advance the recovery of the NSW dairy industry through better preparation and implementation of risk mitigation strategies by prioritising critical infrastructure, utilities and housing constraints with the long-term goal to build back better and improve industry resilience.   

To see more details, undertaken project research and activities, please look at the Key Findings Summary Report and Project 2c – Infrastructure, Utilities and Housing.
For questions, please contact:  

Vaska Cvetanovska 
0402 232 755 | [email protected] 

Funding acknowledgment:

The Storm & Flood Industry Recovery Program is jointly funded by the Australian and the NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.