Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate announced

NSW Farmers’ has welcomed the appointment of Ian Zandstra as the first NSW Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate. 

NSW Farmers’ Dairy Committee Chair Colin Thompson said that Ian’s wealth of experience throughout the dairy supply chain made him the ideal Advocate.

“Ian Zandstra has over 35 years’ experience working in the NSW dairy industry, both on farm and also in a number of co-operatives, and is highly respected throughout the industry.  

“He knows and understands the dynamics of the dairy industry, how it has changed and the opportunities for the future.”

“The appointment of the Advocate is critical for the NSW dairy industry. They will pay a key role in working with industry to identify the changes needed to create a strong and profitable industry.”

“We need to address fundamental problems facing the dairy industry, like the inequities along the supply chain and the irrational prices for dairy products.” 

“To address these problems, it is crucial that there is a strong link between the NSW Advocate and the ACCC Dairy Specialist at the Commonwealth level.”

NSW Farmers congratulates Ian Zandstra on his appointment and looks forward to working with him to create a strong and sustainable NSW dairy industry. 

Date: 5 September 2019
Media Contact:  Michael Burt  | 0428 228 988 | [email protected]